The launch of the new mobility brand „bwegt“ provided the framework for introducing a uniform state-wide vehicle design for future procurement procedures.
Tricon had created the basis beforehand with an exterior and interior design concept inspired by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg‘s colors and symbols.

Traditional Colors in a Brand New Guise
They are now a familiar sight in the Southwest of Germany: the black, yellow and white regional trains with the characteristic Staufer lions on the sides and on the inside of the seats. Thanks to the use of design elements that one can easily identify with, we have consistently received very good reviews. Tricon has been developing the overall concept on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg since 2011, and has always taken into account the respective cooperations between the state and the operators: The eye-catching lion graphics consist of many small operator logos.

Strategic and Functional
The bwegt corporate design is also strategically used as a seal of quality for new or modernized series of vehicles in order to ensure the highest standard for customers. Additionally, the vehicle CD is designed for universal use on a wide variety of train types and methods of construction. So, we worked with classic and clear lines. A separate concept consisting of similar elements is available for regional buses in order to make the CD adaptive and usable for a broad range of public transport vehicles.

New Brand, Strong Contrasts
In addition to the graphics and lettering, consistent elements in the overall concept ara a very pure, unadulterated yellow color shade for clearly defined color accents and a strong basic contrast of dark black-gray and pure white. This powerful, fresh color resonance provides a positive signal effect that meets the brand’s demands in every respect.
Corporate Product Design for Mobility Brands
Mobility brands are complex design systems in public spaces:
When they are used, a multitude of building blocks should convey an image that is as cohesive as possible – starting with electronic information and booking, through wayfinding, to the actual act of being on the move.
The travel process is the core of the mobility brand – the design of vehicle exteriors and interiors as well as of stations and stops forms a central crystallization point for mobility brand design. The great challenge here is to make vehicles and countless components in manufacturer design, heterogenous architecture, information sources and other elements interact visually as a consistent overall system. Operator brands, different standards and the interests of a wide range of municipal partners are also to be taken into account.
Tricon design in this sector has been renowned for its longstanding experience, its systematic, strategic conceptualization, planning and strong implementation skills, in successful cooperation with a large number of project partners. We incorporate existing concepts, rethink them, always keep an eye on future developments and document the corporate design specifications in a clear and structured manner.